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Clinical program management
Clinical program management
Clinical program management
Experience and workflow design
Experience and workflow design
Experience and workflow design
Peer benchmarking
Peer benchmarking
Peer benchmarking
Advanced algorithms
Advanced algorithms
Advanced algorithms
Implementation services
Implementation services
Implementation services
Training and support
Training and support
Training and support
The eICU program is a transformational critical care telehealth program that combines A/V technology, predictive analytics, data visualization and advanced reporting capabilities with Philips’ expertise and over 15 years of proven success. The eICU program delivers need-to-know information to caregivers, empowering them to care for the patients who need it most in the moments that matter most. It is a supplement—not a replacement—to the bedside team, offering support to increasingly scarce clinical resources, while reducing mortality, lengths of stay and cost of care.
The eICU program can help reform your organization's clinical model with centralized, remote surveillance by skilled professionals; proprietary algorithms and clinical decision support, enabling proactive care delivery.
Philips modular approach to enterprise telehealth enables health systems to transition to a telehealth care delivery model and scale their programs using an implementation plan and pace that works for their specific needs.
For lower-capacity health systems and hospitals (those with fewer than 50 ICU beds), it may not be possible to implement a complete enterprise telehealth program in-house. Philips recognizes this and facilitates access to an extensive range of telehealth capabilities by connecting you with an eICU program provider through our eICU Outreach Program. By partnering with an existing Philips eICU program, organizations can have their critical care beds monitored and realize the clinical benefits of an eICU program with minimal investment.
General mortality Patients receiving critiical care from a hospital with Philips elCU were 16% more likely to survive the ICU
General floor length of stay Patients receiving critical care from a hospital with Philips elCU discharged ICU 15% faster
Philips eICU Research Institute (eRI) was established by Philips as a platform to advance the knowledge of critical care. The ERI database is a repository of anonymous data donated by member institutions and is instrumental in product development as well as a key enabler for critical research in the intensive care field.
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